Our Calendar

Check out our calendar for upcoming events!

Upcoming events

Stay informed about exciting events and gatherings happening at our church. Mark your calendars and join us for these upcoming opportunities for fellowship, growth, and service.

Empowering Kingdom Builders

A new community teen event, “Empowering Kingdom Builders,” will meet at NFC in the Activity Center this Sunday…

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesday Night Bible Study at 7:00PM. A new study will be starting this Wednesday. We will be using the book “Christ the Healer” by F. F. Bosworth. New books have been ordered. Plan on joining the study this Wednesday for a fresh new look at healing!

God’s Way Baptist Church Mission Trip

Pastor Bruce would like to organize a mission’s trip to North Carolina during the last full week in March.  The purpose is to help God’s Way Baptist Church in their efforts to distribute donated item to victims of the recent hurricane.  If you would like to be part of this trip, meet Pastor in the Fellowship Hall after the service this Sunday, 2/9.

Adult Night Out

The next Adult Night out will be on Saturday, Feb. 8th. Meet at 5:00PM at University Lanes Bowling Alley restaurant on E. Michigan Ave.

Annual Business Meeting

Mark your calendar! The Annual Business Meeting will take place after the morning service on Sunday, February 23rd. Everyone is invited to attend, but only members will vote. A potluck lunch will follow the meeting.

Janet Hoag Benefit Dinner

On Monday, Sept. 16th, the “Janet Hoag Benefit Dinner” will take place at NFC starting at 5PM. Janet has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer. All proceeds will go to her for medical and living expenses.

Meet The Candidates

Sunday Sept 22nd, candidates on the Albion election ballot being held Nov 7th will be available to meet the public and answer questions.

The Sewing Bee

The Sewing Bee will meet on Saturday, Nov. 9th, from 8:00 to noon. If you plan to attend, you must tell Shari Sprouse so she can have the right number of sewing projects prepared. See her on Sunday if you plan to attend.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet from 10:00 to Noon on Saturday, Nov. 16th

NFC Thanksgiving Potluck

The NFC Thanksgiving Potluck will be after the service on Sunday, November 17th. The church will supply turkey, ham, mashed potatoes & gravy, stuffing, and rolls. There’s a signup sheet on the Information Booth. Please indicate if you can bring a side dish, salad, or dessert. Also, help is needed to prepare the food supplied by the church.

Thanksgiving Day

 NFC is partnering with Galazio Restaurant and Foundry Bakehouse on Thanksgiving Day to provide 75 meals for those in need. If you would like to help on November 28th, Thanksgiving Day, there’s a sign-up sheet at the Information Booth.

Weekly Church Prayer Focus:

Grace Temple Church located at 711 Grace St. in Albion. Pastor Stephen Williams. Pray for a spirit of unity among all churches in the area as we strive to build God’s kingdom.

Celebrate Harrington Night

I want to let you know about the “Celebrate Harrington Night” we are
hosting on Thursday evening May 23rd…

Albion's Great Pumpkin Challenge

Mark Your Calendars! You want to keep Saturday
October the 5th open…

What goes on every week

Our Weekly Activities


"Encounter" is an hour of prayer and worship. We meet every week on Wednesday at 5:00pm.

Bible Study

Join us Wednesday nights at 7:00PM to study the Word of God, gain a better understanding of the Bible, and grow in fellowship. Meet us in the cafeteria.

Sunday Morning Worship

Join us in worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM! Meet us is the main sanctuary.

CIA (Christians In Action)

Christians in Action is our teen ministry for ages 13-19. We focus on studying the Bible for relevant truths, worshiping in our youth facility, and engaging in exciting field trips and activities. We meet the first Sunday of the month at 5:00PM.

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